COVID-19 Update
Mon, 03/16/2020 - 6:01pmStarting Wednesday, March 18, UL Lafayette will begin remote course delivery to mitigate public health concerns related to COVID-19. There will be no classes Monday and Tuesday, March 16-17, but campus will remain open, and all University operations and business functions will continue. All employees, including teaching assistants and student workers, should report to work as usual.
For all University updates and frequently asked questions, visit
Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, SEVP (the Student Exchange Visitor Program) has granted universities the ability to provide remote instruction to F-1 and J-1 international students who would otherwise not be allowed to enroll in distance-learning programs. As an F-1 or J-1 visa holder, you will be maintaining your visa status even if your classes are temporarily offered remotely. Make sure to check your email and Moodle for instructions from your professors and to stay up-to-date on all assignments. Please note that this situation is a fluid one and therefore, you should make sure to check the University's COVID-19 page frequently and follow the University, the DGE, and the OIA on social media. The Division of Global Engagement is staying up-to-date with SEVP regulations regarding remote instruction and travel for international students and we will provide additional information as it is made available.
Travel: There are no restrictions on international students currently enrolled at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette traveling back to their home countries. However, federal restrictions may be instituted that deny or delay re-entry into the United States. International students should research travel restrictions before planning to travel. For the most up-to-date travel restrictions and guidelines, please visit the CDC Information for Travel page.
For your safety, please read the information provided on the University's website regarding symptoms and prevention.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at or 337-482-6819.